What to do if your boiler breaks down in this cold period

Has you boiler broken down in the cold weather?

If your boiler has broken down in the freezing weather, this little tip from Eugene Crighton, proprietor of building and project management company Goodwood Fitch, may be useful!

Eugene Crighton said, said: “There may be many people who have installed an energy efficient condensing boiler in their homes who may be surprised when their new boiler breaks down in the freezing weather. The reason this happens in cold weather is often that the pipe which takes the condensed steam from the boiler to an outside drain has become frozen which stops the boiler from working. If this has happened it is simple to fix, and can save you from having to call out a heating engineer. All you need to do is pour warm water over the condensing pipe until the contents have defrosted and then reset your boiler. Hopefully this will get you up and running if this has happened to you.”






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